Monday, November 1, 2010

The Mighty Moustache Welcomes You to Movember 2010, and Plans for 2011

Well it's that time of year again, when the real men of world show their support in the fight against prostate cancer, by sporting a furry little badge of honor on their upper lip. It's always well into Movember that I seem to come across a plethora of moustache inspired merchandise, wishing I'd had the foresight to order a 'Mo Bro' t-shirt the month prior, and think to myself 'oh well, there's always next year', only to forget all over again.

Next year, however, will be different, as I'll be using this blog as reference. Hopefully you find it as helpful, and while you're here, why not make a donation to my Movember Team, MoAcro? Thanks in advance, and Happy Movember!